Managers and Commissioners
The 2018 NICE Guidance on the Assessment, Management and support for people living with dementia and their carers states that the principles of person-centred care underpin good practice. These principles assert:
the human value and individuality of people living with dementia;
the importance of the person’s perspective; and
the importance of relationships and interactions with other people.

The Living Well with Dementia or LivDem course enables these principles to be put into practice. It provides an evidence-based, manualised course that privileges the perspective and voice of people living with dementia. By doing so it helps people who have a diagnosis of dementia to gain confidence and start to talk more openly about their diagnosis. This, in turn, improves their relationships and interactions.
LivDem is a time-limited course that is facilitated by two clinicians (typically band 4 to 6 nurses and occupational therapists), working under the supervision of local psychologists. It is specifically designed to be used in the NHS and respects the need for interventions to be clinically effective whilst also sustainable.
If you want to know more about the LivDem course head over to our research page or contact us ( for more information on how we can help to get a course started in your area.